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Webinar Q&A

During the webinar, attendees were able to submit questions in order to gain a better understanding of JE and the risks that accompany it. The summary above was designed to address some of the common questions that were submitted.
Attendees also submitted a number of questions regarding IXIARO® (Japanese encephalitis vaccine [inactivated, adsorbed]), mentioning aspects such as its dosing schedule effectiveness. Answers to these questions have been included below.


What is the dosing schedule for IXIARO®?

In persons aged three years or older, the primary vaccination schedule consists of two separate 0.5 mL doses administered 28 days apart.1

Note, persons aged 18–65 years can be vaccinated in a rapid schedule where two separate 0.5 mL doses are administered seven days apart where necessary.1

Children aged two months to below three years should receive two separate 0.25 mL doses 28 days apart.1

Is a booster vaccination required with IXIARO®?

In persons aged between two months and 65 years, a booster dose should be given in the second year after primary immunisation prior to potential re-exposure to JEV (a single 0.5 mL dose for persons aged three years and older, and a single 0.25 mL dose for those aged two months to below three years.1

For persons aged 18 – 65 years, following a first booster dose administered 12–24 months after primary immunisation, a second booster dose should be given 10 years after the first booster dose, prior to potential exposure to JEV.1

A booster dose should be considered in those aged over 65 years prior to potential exposure to JEV.1

How effective is IXIARO®?

After two doses, the primary vaccination course of IXIARO® led to a seroconversion rate of 96.4% (352/365) in a Phase III randomised, active-controlled, multicentre clinical trial including 867 healthy male and female subjects given IXIARO® or the US licensed JEV vaccine JE VAX.1

How long does immune protection last after administration of the primary course?

In a Phase III uncontrolled study enrolling a subset of 181 subjects up to Month 24 and 152 subjects up to Month 36 after the first IXIARO® vaccination, antibody seroprotection (as determined by PRNT50 ≥1:10) waned from 98.9% to 84.9% between Month 2 (179/181) and Month 36 (129/152).1

How long does immune protection last after administration of a booster dose?

Following a booster dose, long term seroprotection data suggests that a second booster should be given 10 years after the first booster dose, prior to potential exposure to JEV.1

Are there any contraindications for IXIARO®?

  • Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1 of the Summary of Product Characteristics, or to the residues protamine sulphate, formaldehyde, bovine serum albumin, host cell DNA, sodium metabisulphite, host cell protein.1
  • Individuals who show hypersensitivity reactions after receiving the first dose of the vaccine should not be given the second dose.1
  • Administration must be postponed in persons with acute severe febrile conditions.1


  1. Valneva UK Limited. IXIARO® SPC. Available at:
    Accessed December 2024

View Prescribing Information for
IXIARO® Japanese encephalitis vaccine (inactivated, absorbed)

Adverse events should be reported.
Reporting forms and information can be found at or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Adverse events should also be reported to the Valneva UK Ltd Medical Information department on Tel: 01506 446608 or via email:

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